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The Bob Schieffer College of Communication was truly my home away from home. I learned all about advertising and how to make successful campaigns. Below is some of the work I've created throughout my time at TCU.

TCAA Annual Gala Event Rebrand

Together my group and I redesigned TCAA's Annual Gala Event. Below is our plan book and final presentation for our capstone project.



Fiji Water Media Plan

Together my group and I created a media plan for Fiji Water. This was our final presentation in our channel planning class which covered the majority of the content in our media plan book.

Lyft Never Lost Campaign

Together my group and I created a campaign for Lyft. Below is our campaign book and presentation for our creative strategy course.



Graphic Design

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This is my winning graduation invitation design for the class of 2018 College of Communication celebration. This project was during my time as a Schieffer Associate; a program that creates branding materials for the College.

This is a flyer I created for the Communication Studies study abroad program in my design course. I got to incorporate the photos I took in London when I went abroad with People to People International in 2013.

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This is an infographic I did for the College of Communication while being a Schieffer Associate showing the breakdown of students in their programs.

Writing Samples

These are a few of the writing samples I created in my writing and editing class my sophomore year. This class taught us the basic principles of writing in our fields. This includes how to write a press release, brand manifestos, etc.

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